November 5, 2009

Five Rules of Sportsmanship

  1. Always give 100% when competing. To do so shows a respect for your opponent and an honor for your sport.
  2. Confidence (belief in self; respect for your opponent) is admirable. Cockiness (belief in self; lack of your respect for your opponent) and self-centeredness is not. Strive for outward and inward confidence.
  3. If you win, let it be by the code with your honor held high and have compassion for the opponent you have beaten. If you should lose, let it also be by the code (giving completely of yourself in that losing cause), and then honor the opponent who has beaten you.
  4. Take what you do very seriously, but never take yourself very seriously. Those who validate themselves merely by what they do on the court will always be dissatisfied.
  5. Love winning, and hate losing; but never fear the losing. If you are a true competitor, losing will always hurt, but remember that pain is not the enemy. It is a chance for growth. No matter how hard it is, go back on that court and continue the process of learning.

Sportsmanship is not a job for the week, but rather a job for the meek – for those who possess strength under control.

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